Thankful Thursday (7-25)

This has been such a crazy week. I am back from Colorado for just a few days before heading back permanently. The Lord has blessed me SO much yet again this week.

I’m thankful for surprise visits to Crossroads.


Lisa & Steve on our last day in Denver.

I’m thankful for Mark Lingle & his encouragement.

I’m thankful for prayer hugs with my team.

I’m thankful for the most awful goodbyes because I know that we loved well.

I’m thankful for Aaliyah.


“Look at us!” – Aaliyah

I’m thankful my team made it home safely.

I’m thankful for Megan Lingle driving me to the airport super early in the morning.

I’m thankful for short security lines at DIA.

I’m thankful for window seats.

I’m thankful for the words, “Welcome to Chicago.”

I’m thankful I get to return to Denver in a few days & see the amazing people I was blessed to meet this summer.

I’m thankful for conversations with Sara & Josh on the way home from Midway.

I’m thankful for my Grandpa Allen & his 85 years of life.

I’m thankful for time spent with my amazing cousins & their kids.


Grandpa Allen & the grandkids — minus a few.


Cannon & me at Grandpa’s White Sox Birthday Bash

I’m thankful for extra time with Zarah.

I’m thankful for Peoples Church & the way they invite the Holy Spirit in every single day. I’m thankful for the home and family they have become to me over the past years. I’m thankful I can always come back and be so loved.

I’m thankful for Donna & Matt & Cooper & Zoey.

I’m thankful for Cooper’s cuddles, giggles & inability to stay clean for more than 3 minutes.


Cooper ate some dirt…

I’m thankful for late night chats.

I’m thankful for cornfields.

I’m thankful for surprises.

I’m thankful for coffee dates.

I’m thankful for Brandon & the time we were able to spend together this week.


Brandon & me at Navy Pier.

I’m thankful for camp.

I’m thankful for time spent with aunts & cousins before I head out west.


Mace & Bri. 🙂

I’m thankful for evening runs & time to reminisce.

I’m thankful for girls’ day with my fam – full of laughter & pedicures. 🙂

I’m thankful for late night FaceTime dates with Basney. I’m thankful for her friendship, her love, her encouragement, and the way she brings the Kingdom daily.

I’m thankful for morning snuggles with Sydney.


the best face to wake up to.

I’m thankful for Denver & the opportunities the Lord has given me there.

I’m thankful for a place to live, a job, & new friends.

I’m thankful for favor & grace I do not deserve.

Thank you, Jesus, for these blessings.

What are you thankful for today?

3 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday (7-25)

  1. bethanyeason says:

    i am so thankful for you
    for our conversations
    for your willingness to talk ANYtime
    i love you and the way you help to make me feel at home thousand of miles across the ocean:)

  2. Mom says:

    I am thankful for days off of work. I am thankful for lunches out with my 3 daughters. I am thankful for pedicures and the time we get to spend together while getting them done. I am thankful for the cool weather. I am thankful for you! Love you!

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